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Call and Response - triptych

Call and Response - triptych, Fine Art
Call and Response - triptych

Fine Art    31 x 38.5 x 1.5    CA$295.00   

Artist statement
Call and Response – Triptych
Two Versions
In our culture it seems some emotions and states of being are more acceptable and desirable than others. Some we are drawn toward; some we reject in ourselves and others. What is rejected is often considered ugly, what we are drawn toward is beautiful.
The main painting in this triptych represents sadness, depression, gloom. The second, smaller painting depicts a person offering comfort. Version one invites the viewer to place this figure next to the other while a second version leaves the figures in their own worlds. Empathy and offers of support is one response. The rocks offer a second response.
But what do the rocks signify? The scenario depicted came from a memory, many decades ago of me, the moody teenager at the seaside with my parents but in a dark pit of my own. After awhile I noticed a sound in front of me. It was rocks dropping, being tossed by my father from behind. No words, but an achingly sweet way to reach out. For a man of few words, rocks were a term of endearment.

Viewers are invited to place the figure on the right in whichever position they prefer, either with arm around the main figure or leave on the smaller painting.

Technical note to juror: magnets on back of two paintings allow the consoling figure to be placed on either painting in a pre-defined position.
Medium and technique
acrylic, matt board, rocks on board